Advanced Technology & Infrastructure

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Advanced Technology and Infrastructure

Unlocking innovation through advanced technology solutions and infrastructure modernization

hms Group operates in the field of advanced technology and infrastructure through its subsidiary – FANG Experts – a leader in the field of business technology in Israel. FANG specializes in devising and implementing IT strategies for technological divisions in a wide variety of organizations.

The company helps chief information managers and organizational managements to achieve business goals, realize the organization’s vision, and maximize value – placing emphasis on efficiency, speed and adherence to budgetary restraints. 

The company operates in compliance with the most up-to-date standards in this industry, including: Open Banking, FHIR, and Blockchain. It also provides mentoring for senior managers and assists in implementing organizational strategic programs, thereby helping to create a tangible business value.

FANG has made it its motto to promote the values of creativity, professionalism, and quality and adopted cutting-edge agile concepts in order to optimally reach organizational goals.

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