Insurance & Long-Term Savings

Insurance and Long-Term Savings are dynamic sectors which are constantly changing due to fast-changing market conditions and regulatory requirements both in Israel and globally. Our team of professionals specializes in the business and technological aspects relating to information management, management and maintenance of pension products, insurance claims and payment, payment collection, insurance events, interfacing and working vis-a-vis the pensions clearinghouse, and more.

our impact

Insurance & Long-Term Savings

Streamlining operations in insurance and long-term savings plans through advanced technological solutions

The Insurance sector is a dynamic sector which is constantly facing technological and regulatory changes. Quick implementation of changes and adjustments, as well as the need to speed up efficiency processes, rely on innovative technological systems and processes along with proper management of the abundant information available in this sector.   

Our team specializes in a variety of systems designated for the insurance sector. We are extensively familiar with, and possess a vast knowledge of pension products and unique experience in all matters relating to interfacing with the central pensions clearinghouse.

Our focus areas include end-to-end characterization of insurance systems, provision of strategic advice in all matters relating to IT systems and corporate governance, management of organizational and operational risk, provision of regulatory advice, configuration of requirements as well as selection and implementation of technological solutions. 

We closely guide our clients through implementing innovation and reform processes, and assist in minimizing technological risks, all the while ensuring the system as a whole remains credible, stable and up-to-date.  

Our Coverage

The range of our services

We assist institutional bodies, insurance agencies and pension consultants in  adapting organizational systems to those bodies’ unique requirements, all the while keeping up-to-date with market changes and with inherently dynamic business processes. Our professional team assists these clients in identifying their requirements and in characterizing and implementing horizontal innovation and renewal processes. This is carried out vis-a-vis both the business elements as well as the technology divisions within these bodies.

Our professional team assists institutional bodies and insurance agencies in formulating and implementing IT strategies for achieving their business goals. This manifests, inter alia, in formulating an institutional vision, developing a business plan, in carrying out assessment and review of existing IT systems, in development of acquisition strategies, implementation and upgrade of IT systems, and in management of IT changes and IT risk.

hms possesses accumulated knowledge and a vast experience in keeping abreast with regulatory complexities and intricacies in the areas of insurance and long-term savings. Consequently, we are able to offer valuable assistance to institutional bodies and insurance agencies in comprehending financial regulations and in developing plans for compliance with regulatory requirements. This assistance extends also to implementing these plans and to representing clients before capital market authorities.

We provide guidance to Insurtech companies in implementing innovative ideas in the insurance sector, and in assimilating technologically inclined products or services. Our team possesses in-depth and up-to-date understanding of current market and regulatory requirements, and offers an array of practical tools which provide made-to-measure solutions. 


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